Royal Thai Volunteers Activity on the Auspicious Occasion of Her Majesty Queen Suthida Bajrasudhabimalalakshana’s Birthday Anniversary on 3 June 2024

On 7 June 2024, in marking the auspicious occasion of Her Majesty Queen Suthida Bajrasudhabimalalakshana’s Birthday Anniversary on 3 June 2024, H.E. Ms. Arjaree Sriratanaban, Ambassador of Thailand to Australia, together with members of Team Thailand agencies in Canberra and their spouses and Embassy staff, carried out a volunteer community service activity, inspired by the Royal Initiative Volunteer Project, by organizing a Happy Hour event for elderly residents at Goodwin Aged Care, Farrer in Canberra.
Activities during the two-hour fun-filled event included a Thai traditional dance performance, Muay Thai ritual demonstration, video presentation about Thailand, group sing-along, tasting of Thai snacks and desserts, and Thai folk dance exhibition.
This Happy Hour event was attended by around 70 participants, including elderly residents, executives and staff members of Goodwin Aged Care, and volunteer staff members of Team Thailand agencies and their spouses.
Credit Royal Thai Embassy Canberra